Dear Customers, friends & suppliers…
What a unique and quite honestly worrying situation we are facing. We are worried for the health of our team, their families and ours, worried for the health of our customers and also extremely worried about the impact this virus might have on the livelihoods that depend on the success of a small business like ours.
As you know the situation is changing daily. At the moment it is BUSINESS AS USUAL, and our team is I am pleased to say currently fit and healthy and the café is open 10am to 4pm daily and for dinner Thursday/Friday/Saturday. We will of course keep our website, social media pages and google listing up-to-date if anything changes. We also wanted to let you know:-
* Our usual deposit cancellation policy is on hold. No-one will lose their deposit for any booking that needs to be cancelled, no matter how short the notice (we would appreciate as much heads up as possible though!). The deposit can be refunded or rolled over to a future booking, whichever you prefer.
* We have implemented a ‘hard-surface sanitation schedule’ meaning things like door handles will be sanitised at regular intervals throughout the day.
* There is hand-washing facilities in our café toilet and the National Trust Toilets, please use them and let us know if the soap is running low.
* We have a good stock of alcohol hand sanitiser, this is mainly for the staff to use, but if you’d like a squirt just ask.
* Our outside courtyard is open and spacious, consider wrapping up a little warmer and sitting outside to enjoy your lunch if you prefer to maintain your distance.
* If you would prefer your whole lunch and drinks to takeaway completely, we can package it up for you.
Please bear with us. It is possible we might have to operate with a reduced offering, but we will do our absolute best to keep things operating as normal.
Lastly, it feels inevitable that local small businesses are going to be hit hard by this…but we maintain our stance that TOGETHER there is a spirit of KINDNESS, GOODWILL & HOPE. Thank you. Much 💛 Nick, Sarah, Jenny, Tom & the whole HF Team x